Anti Anxiety and Depression – Golden CBD Plus

Anti Anxiety and Depression

Alleviate symptoms
Other studies suggest that CBD may help alleviate symptoms of depression by interacting with serotonin receptors in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in a range of functions in the body including the regulation of mood. It may help contribute to feelings of happiness and well-being. It is also often implicated in the onset of depression and many types of antidepressant drugs work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.One study published in 2018 suggested that cannabidiol does not increase serotonin levels; rather, it appears to work by influencing how the brain responds to serotonin that is already there.2Another study found that CBD had a "clear anti-stress effect," which might play a role in reducing stress levels that contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.3

Anti Anxiety

Antidepressants, used for the treatment of depression and some anxiety disorders, also possess numerous neuroprotective properties, such as preventing the formation of amyloid plaques, elevation of BDNF levels, reduction of microglia activation, and decreased levels of proinflammatory mediators.[82] Similarly, CBD decreases the production of inflammatory cytokines, the activation of microglial cells, and brain leucocytes infiltration.

The relationship between cannabis and anxiety can be inconsistent. An article in NeuropsychopharmacologyTrusted Source notes that some users of cannabis report that the main reason that they use it is to reduce anxiety. However, others report panic and anxiety as side effects.These conflicting results may be because low doses of THC in cannabis are linked with reducing anxiety, while high doses seem to cause anxiety.The article in Neuropsychopharmacology also indicates that CBD decreases the anxiety-causing effects of THC. In animal studies, CBD also appears to inhibit anxiety in a similar way to other anti-anxiety drugs.The study of 24 people Trusted Sourcewith generalized social anxiety disorder found that those who took 600 mg of CBD before a simulated public speaking test had less anxiety than those who took a placebo.Although the results of this study were promising, researchers need to conduct more studies involving more people to see if they yield similar results. 



CANNABINOIDS   RATIO: 50% CBD + 25% CBG + 25%...


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