News – Tagged "GOLDENCBD" – Golden CBD Plus


cannabinoids, GOLDENCBD -

The Cannabis sativa plant has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years by different people and in different cultures. Today, we also know that cannabinoids have been used to relieve psychiatric symptoms. There are studies from India, from more than a thousand years B.C., of people using this plant as a tranquilizer in the treatment of anxiety, mania and hysteria. In addition to that, there are studies in which Assyrians inhaled cannabis to improve symptoms of depression.

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cannabinoids, GOLDENCBD, plus -

Welcome to the new Golden CBD+ blog. This is our first post, and we hope you enjoy it. Here you will find, not only information and texts with explanations about our products, but also tips on the use of cannabinoids, the use of the plant in a medicinal way and all the benefits of using CBD Oil.

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